Give the Gift of Music to the Next Generation of Musicians
Your Impact at Hassadna
Your gift to Hassadna has a meaningful and lasting impact on children in Jerusalem, supporting:
- Financial aid for 80% of Hassadna students
- 750+ children studying music per year
- 35,000+ hours of musical education per year
- 120 students from low socioeconomic backgrounds
- 50+ graduates per year
- 30 orchestras and chamber ensembles
- 100+ esteemed faculty members
Ways to Give
Your gift to Hassadna has a direct and immediate impact.
There are a variety of ways to make a gift to Hassadna Conservatory depending on what works best for you.
Contact Us
For any questions or to ensure your gift is properly credited and allocated, please contact Becky Taylor, Director of Resource Development:
Hassadna (Tax ID 58-0066033) is certified in accordance with the Income Tax Ordinance under Section 46 in Israel.
Tax deductible donations can be made from the UK, USA and Canada via our international partners.
Choose Your Impact
When you make a gift to Hassadna Conservatory, you are supporting the students, faculty, and the future of music for the children of Jerusalem. There are various ways you can make an impact at Hassadna. Choose an area that means the most to you.
For more information on any of the following impact areas, please contact the Becky Taylor at Resource Development via
The Hassadna Fund
Every gift to The Hassadna Fund has a direct and immediate impact on the future of music at Hassadna. Unrestricted support of all sizes allows Hassadna to boldly and purposefully move forward with our mission to provide high quality music education to children in Jerusalem from all different backgrounds. Your contribution enables Hassadna students to pursue a transformative education that will guide them throughout their musical journeys.
Designated Giving Initiatives
Chamber Music
A New Home for Hassadna
Legacy Giving
Help ensure the future of music by including Hassadna Conservatory in your estate plans. By supporting Hassadna with a planned gift, such as through a bequest or a charitable trust, you are ensuring Hassadna’s continued impact in music education in Jerusalem, in Israel, and beyond.
Ways to Give
- Make a Bequest
- Naming Hassadna in Your Assets
- Charitable Lead Trust
What You Can Give
- Stocks & Bonds
- Real Estat
- Donor-Advised Fun
- Musical Instruments
As you consult your attorney on the selection of appropriate wording to reflect your own goals and intentions regarding Hassadna Jerusalem Music Conservatory, be sure our organization’s correct legal name appears in all final documents as:
“Hassadna Jerusalem Music Conservatory, 13 Kaf-Tet Benovember St., Jerusalem, Israel 9210513, a certified Amuta in accordance with the Income Tax Ordinance under Section 46 in Israel, or its successor, Tax ID 58-0066033”
Corporate Partnerships
At Hassadna Conservatory, Corporate Partnerships provide opportunities to elevate your marketing and engagement initiatives while directly impacting the Hassadna community. Each partnership is customised to meet the goals of your brand by leveraging Hassadna’s position as a longstanding cultural institution in Jerusalem.
For more information on partnership opportunities, please contact:
Gratitude Corner
Jane and Brian Leaver’s impactful friendship, tell the story…
Establishment of the Stanley B Horowitz Scholarship Fund
Azrieli Foundation’s impactful 3 year support
Longtime Partnerships:
Beracha Foundation, Clore Israel Foundation
Hassadna Conservatory Endowed Scholarship Funds – LIST
To view our most recent Annual Report including a comprehensive list of Friends of Hassadna, click here.